
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Recovery & Home Life

One of the biggest perks about adopting a newborn was that I was functioning at 110% when Elias was born. No recovery phase to work through, just pure excitement at every aspect of being a new mom. I felt great! So postpartum recovery after Nolan was born completely sideswiped Ryan and I. I knew that I'd be sore and tired, but I did not expect to lack most of my normal functionality. I was pretty much incapable of doing ANYTHING. It was long, hard labor and I had a second degree tear. My whole torso hurt from pushing. My back was killing me. I could barely walk. Stitches. Constipation. Hemorrhoids. I'll stop there. lol. 
As hard as it was on me physically, I think the emotional ramifications were even worse. The first couple days, just holding Nolan hurt me. I'll never forget the first or second night that we were home. Ryan had stepped out for a few minutes and Nolan started to cry in his bassinet across the room. It took me several minutes to stand up out of my chair, walk across the room and pick him up. I lost it. I couldn't take care of him by myself and I felt so helpless. And I suppose the hormones didn't help matters. 
Things got a lot better after the first week, and incrementally better the second week. I still have a some healing to do, but I'm almost there. I'm able to hold and take care of both of my boys and that feels good. :)

Nolan is doing great. Sometimes I feel like he wants to crawl back inside of me. lol. He just wants to be held all the time. He's a big boy - went straight into 3 month clothes, is eating a ton, and therefore sleeping a ton. We're already down to one nighttime feeding which I am very happy about. :)

We weren't really sure how Elias would respond to having a little brother. He's just so young, it's hard to know how much he understands. He was initially pretty nonchalant about having Nolan in the house, but he is definitely becoming more interested in him. We make a big deal about gentle touches and any signs of affection and I think it's catching on. :) Their interaction is so minimal right now, but every bit of it still makes my heart burst. I'm loving life as a mommy of two. <3 

Here are a few pictures of our first couple weeks together!
I mean, guys, I can't even handle the love in my heart for these cutie pies!
This boy. <3
My view in our living room. It's the best. 
Dinnertime. :) Momma's gotta eat!
Nolan's first bath.
Lunch date with my boys. 
Giving little brother his paci. ::melt::
Goodnight kisses. <3


  1. Congratulations! Both of your boys are just adorable! I love Elias's cheesy grin in that first picture... what a hoot! He looks thrilled to have this little brother around! And that picture of him giving Nolan a paci just melts my heart! His chubby little arms reaching like that... seriously! Cute overload!

  2. The pictures are so sweet! Thank you for sharing.

  3. So sweet! Congratulations on your beautiful family!

  4. Beautiful!

    yes the first few weeks are really hard... it's okay to cry, be on a roller coaster of feelings, etc. Just part of the territory! It gets better and better.

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