
Friday, August 24, 2012

2nd Class Complete

Last night we went to our second and final adoption class, which was called Domestic Adoption Decisions. I think that perhaps our expectations were a little misguided. :) No need to go into wordy details, but let's just say that I must have looked like this during the whole thing-

In other news, we turned in most of our paperwork! woohoo! The last items on our checklist are medical exams, writing our autobiographies, and reading the required books. It seems like the book reading has a more flexible deadline than the other two items though. We need to have the autobiographies written by the second interview with our social worker, so that is going to be our top priority for right now. I plan to follow up next week (if I don't hear from them first) about scheduling our first interview. I'm really trying to get us through the interviews in September so that we will be approved and ready to be matched with a birthmother by October 1st (my birthday!). Here's hoping! :)


  1. Yay - more progress! I hope you hit your October 1st goal :)

  2. Sounds like a great plan to have it done by your birthday!

