
Monday, April 22, 2013

It's That Time Again - NIAW!

April 21-27 is National Infertility Awareness Week. It's a week when tons and tons of women (and men!) band together and express unity in heartache. Switching over to adoption really allowed me to grieve the loss of a biological child. I am happy to be pursuing a child through the gift of adoption, and I truly don't care that the one we eventually get matched with won't look like me. But my arms are still empty. And though I may not write about every single hard day, I still have them. 

Today I am proud to be a part of the infertile community. An online forum that I was a part of early on, showed me that I wasn't alone. There are lots of women going through the same thing, and that knowledge gave me the courage to go through it out loud. I hope that publicly chronicling my experience with various treatments, a short pregnancy, miscarriage, adoption, a failed adoption match, and lots of hoping along the way, gives someone else the strength they need to be open about their infertility struggles. We all need support, and our friends and family are willing to give it! We just have to open up. :]

This year's NAIW them is "Join the Movement". You don't have to be infertile to be a part of it. :) In accordance with the theme, I wanted to make a way for loved ones to be involved and show their support. So I created a super simple Facebook cover photo that you can post to your profile or newsfeed this week.  No pressure, I won't be hurt if you don't post it. haha. Just wanted to make it available. :) You can find it by clicking here!


  1. Hugs! My heart still grieves for you. Your strength and faith are quite an inspiration to me. I too, am so thankful for and proud to be a part of the amazing online supports there are for those of us that are those "1 in 8".

  2. I know I am commenting way late on this, but I stumbled upon your blog today and now I'm reading through all your archives with tears in my eyes, amazed by your strength and perseverance! I have endometriosis, which is a leading cause of female infertility, so while I still don't know whether or not I can bear children and won't know until years from now when I start trying, I connect so strongly to the infertile community and really admire you women who are going through all of the challenges and successes that it brings. Thank you so much for sharing your story :) God bless you.
