
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Second Beta

I did another round of bloodwork today. Dr. Q likes to see the numbers increase by at least 50%, but it's more confirming if they actually double. So we were hoping to see mine double to 132, and it came back at 160! :) Although beta numbers are not hard and fast indicators, from my coordinator's experience it looks like there's only one baby in there. Of course I was hoping for both babies, but I'm just happy that at least one of them stuck and is growing. :) woohoo!

I am officially 4 weeks 1 day pregnant. (What a newb. *teehee*) We made it to 6 weeks with our last pregnancy, so passing that mark will be the next milestone for us. And then after that is the ultrasound, which is scheduled for Monday, December 30th. Oh I just can't wait to see a beautiful fluttering heart on the screen! Thank You Lord! :)


  1. Hooray! I am praying for wonderful growth and, soon, excellent heart-beating. :) Kristin

  2. YAY! So happy for you! I'm praying that all will be well and healthy and your ultrasound on the 30th will be a time of great joy for you! :)

  3. Congratulations!! I wouldn't rule out the second baby until the ultrasound shows just one. :) I also hope you don't feel too much morning sickness as I wouldn't want that to dampen your happiness. Can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!!

  4. Congratulations! Tell Dr Q Nicole Radoumis said HELLO!

  5. BTW My first Beta was 26 and the second was 351. I had triplets. You just never know. Proof is in the U/S!

  6. Yay!!!! Prayers coming your way!

  7. Congrats!!! By the way, we have a 'secret' facebook group for EA/ED mamas which has been wonderful! If you are interested in joining, just let me know. Shoot me an email at wishingonasnowflake at

    So excited for you! Stick, baby(ies), stick!

  8. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! that is all. :)

  9. I just stumbled across your blog for the first time today. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will definitely be praying for you that all goes well! God bless & Merry Christmas!

  10. Yay! Will be praying and praying for you three! :)

  11. Happy 5 weeks! Hope you're feeling well. :) Kristin
