
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

IVF #1 results


No sticky babies for us. Failed attempt #22. 


  1. Oh friend. Saying I'm sorry doesn't even come close to what I want to say. My heart hurts for you, I'm in tears. I don't get it, life is so unfair sometimes. I wish I could hug you so tight right now. I wish we could go to the nail salon and get mani/pedi's and look at magazines and pretend we didn't live in this hell called infertility. I love you so much, lots of prayers and support to you and Ryan ((((((HUGS))))))

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that, you and Ryan will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be praying for God's guidance, comfort, and loving support around you both.


    We Love you soooo much and feel every bit of your pain!

    Mom and Daddy

  4. Love you! We continue to pray for wisdom for you in the days ahead. <3

  5. I am so sorry Denay and Ryan. We will continue to pray. My heart aches for you and pleads with God to comfort you. Love and hugs....Auntie Kel

  6. Oh my sweet friend, I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you, and I wish there was some way I could help. It's so unfair. That you two have to go through this. I know it's in the Lords hands, but I also know how hard that can be to see sometimes. I love you very much and I'll continue to pray for both you and Ryan <3

  7. Aw, hun, I'm so sorry! It's been forever since I last left you a comment, but I've been following your journey and praying for you - checking your blog every day hoping for an update. So crushing for you. I'll be keeping you both in my prayers - for comfort and closeness to each other through your grief.

  8. Im so sorry girlie. Wished I could reach across this computer and give you huge hugs. I will keep you guys in my prayers and thoughts. Lots of love to you.

  9. I am so, so sorry. It's so unfair. Sending my love your way.

  10. This has to hurt so much, I'm so sorry friend. We're here for you and Ryan, we love you both and hate to see you disappointed again. Praying for you, big hugs.

  11. So so so sorry to hear that. IF is so unfair. Praying for you both right now!

  12. our hearts are hurting with you! We love you guys and are praying for comfort and peave. XOXO- Brother and Kimi

  13. I don't even know what words to say. My heart is breaking for you. Praying for you and Ryan to find God's peace that surpasses our understanding.

  14. ((hugs)) I'm so so so sorry.

    Let me know if you ever want to talk. angie_slicker at hotmail dot com

