
Sunday, February 15, 2015

20 Weeks - Half Baked!

We've hit 20 weeks, woohoo! :) I can hardly believe that we've hit the halfway point. I feel like that went so fast! The pregnancy is still going really well. I have a bit of sciatic pain at night, but it's nothing too crazy. I'm hungry pretty much all the time these days. Lucky Charms and rainbow sherbet always sound good. haha. I feel the occasional flutter here and there, but it's still not what I would consider strong or frequent movement. I know it's coming though, so I can be patient. :) 

Our anatomy scan (the big, thorough ultrasound) is at the end of this week. I'm excited to see our little guy and see how much he's grown. But potential problems are often caught at this ultrasound, so when I think about it that way, I'm eager for it to be over. lol. I just want to hear good news and get confirmation that he's healthy. I'll post an update with the results next weekend. :) Until then, here are a few bump pics for ya. My belly really started rounding out toward the top this past week. I feel like I've officially "popped" and I'm totally loving it. ::grin::

17 Weeks
18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! The halfway mark! You look awesome! I have followed your blog for over a year now and it has been so awe-inspiring to see how God has blessed you in the past year! Little Elias is absolutely precious and it is just amazing that God blessed you with this pregnancy as well! :) My sister has a friend who dealt with infertility for about 10 years before she got pregnant. It was a total surprise and now their beautiful son just turned 1 year old! My heart overflows when I see how much joy he brings to their lives!
