
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Somewhere Between

I don't know what God has in store for our family in the years to come. I know that I'd like to have more than one child, and that I'd like to adopt again, but I'm not sure what type of adoption we would want to pursue for the next child. We feel confident that at this time in our lives, Domestic Infant Adoption was the best route to choose. But who knows, International Adoption may be a part of our lives one day as well! That's a new adventure, and we'll think about all of that when we get there. :) But whether we get to personally experience it or not, I think International Adoption is beautiful. 

Last night I watched a newly released documentary called Somewhere Between. It tells the stories of four teenage girls who were adopted from China. It is very well done and I thoroughly enjoyed it! If you have some free time this weekend, or next week, watch it. (Seriously, there aren't any other good releases out right now anyway. lol)! You can stream it on Amazon for $3, or it looks like YouTube has a good chunk of it available as well. The trailer is below for your viewing pleasure. :)

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27


  1. Hi! I just wanted to tell you I found your blog quite a while back on TB when I got pregnant with my daughter. I had no infertility issues but felt inclined to follow your story. I ended up having significant complications during my pregnancy and delivered my daughter 3 months early. I found myself having my own unique story filled with heartache and subsequent joy and started blogging. I have followed you ever since and have really enjoyed your journey. Thanks for blogging, and I can't wait to "meet" sweet baby E :)

  2. Hi Denay! I have been reading your blog for the past year, I just wanted to tell you that I am rooting for you and your husband! I watched this documentary yesterday and it was amazing! I bawled my eyes out! I myself am infertile, we have tried two ivf cycles and failed. I don't know where this infertility journey will take us, but that film was inspiring and beautiful. Best of luck!!!
